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5 Reasons to Vote for Donald Trump

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

5 reasons why I see Trump as the best candidate


I can’t deny I’m part of the 33% that are pro-Trump because he’s not Clinton, but from what I believe America needs, I see Trump as the best choice left. That does not mean I agree with everything the narcissist says. I dislike some of his non-conservative values, his stance against whistleblowers, and his big government stance on surveillance and the NSA, but I believe Trump’s positives overcome his negatives.


1. He’s anti-TPP

Trump has been consistently against the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP is a deal that allows corporations to sue governments, strengthens penalties against copyright violators, prevents cheaper pharmaceuticals, and threatens online freedom of speech to name a few. Hillary Clinton supported TPP as Secretary of State and called it the “gold standard,” despite what she said during the first presidential debate (she also praised it 45 times according to CNN), but once the deal became unpopular, she turned against it “in its current form.” There can be no flip-flopping on this serious issue.


2. He’s politically incorrect

First, it’s important to clarify the difference between political incorrectness and indecency. In one way, being politically incorrect is addressing a concern that is true but may be politically damaging, but Trump and many of his supporters fail to distinguish the difference. When Trump says that some illegal immigrants are criminals or that some Muslims are terrorists, that is considered politically incorrect; but when Trump says that Megan Kelly was “bleeding from her wherever,” or when some Trump supporters call people “cucks,” that’s just rude and doesn’t achieve anything. Trump’s occasional rudeness is annoying, but he at least addresses controversial issues.


3. He’s anti political establishment

This is often the first point that Trump supporters use, mainly because of who is against him. When people see corrupt politicians and media outlets attacking him, big banks not supporting him, and figures like George H. W. Bush, Hank Paulson, and other Republicans rejecting him, it further convinces voters that he’s outside the political establishment. Yes some politicians support him for political purposes, and certainly one could argue these politicians see Trump “as the lunatic he is,” but I still see him as against the current status quo. If the DNC emails and possible election fraud against Bernie Sanders are any clue, Trump may be right and the election is rigged.


4. He puts America first

Trump is not afraid to say no to globalization and put America first for work and immigration. That said, I completely reject the notion that Trump is the next Hitler or that he’s a racist, as I see these accusations coming from media slander and intentional misquotes. Trump never said “all Mexicans are rapists,” nor did he ever suggest banning all Muslims. He said SOME illegal immigrants from Mexico (and other southern countries) bring crime, drugs, and rape, while SOME others are “good people.” Salon wrote a detailed piece last December regarding this misquoting issue. Trump wants to “immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place,” which I believe is constitutional under 8 U.S.C. 1182. I do not see Trump as a threat to American Muslims, nor do I see anything wrong about vetting people from areas with convicted criminals or terrorism concerns.


5. He doesn’t want war with Russia

I find it hilarious how the media sees good relations with Russia as the worst thing Trump could do. US-Russia relations are at the worst since the Cold War, and if the Cold War is any clue, having good relations with a major nuclear superpower should be a good idea. What scares me is Clinton recently threatened “military responses” against countries that cyberattack America, a reference to the false accusation that Russia hacked the DNC. Getting cozy with Russia is one thing, but getting more antagonizing as Clinton is, is not wise.

We don’t know if America will be great again under Trump, but provided what I’ve observed, I see Trump as a better president than Clinton. It’s down to a thin-skinned narcissist versus a lying psychopath.

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